Set Your Table for Delicious Opportunities: Register Now! |
HKTDC Food Expo 15-19 Aug 2019 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Tasty Ideas for Your Food Business |
Featuring more than 1,560 exhibitors with amazing food and beverages from around the world, the 30th HKTDC Food Expo presents an exciting range of delicacies for trade buyers and opens up fruitful opportunities. |
Highlighted Tastes @ Trade Hall (15-17 Aug) |
Diricom SA DE CV (Mexico) |
R.s. Foods Tech (Thailand) Co Ltd |
Twenty-Twenty Food Industry Sdn Bhd (Malaysia) |
Lam Kam Sang Medical Research Institute Limited (Hong Kong) |
Goodlactoyou 365 (Probiotics) |
Padideh Pistachio Company (Iran) |
Coffee Avenue @
Gourmet Zone (15-18 Aug)  |
[This registration is for Food Expo (Trade Hall) and Tea Fair only, which are exclusively reserved for professionals aged 18 or above from the food and tea-related industries to visit during 15-17 August 2019. The Organiser shall verify the trade identity of registrants and reserves the right to refuse admission of any registrants who are deemed inappropriate. Admission fee is HK$100 per person for on-site registrations. Public visitors are invited to visit the Food Expo (Trade Hall) and Tea Fair on 17 August, Food Expo (Public Hall: 15-19 August) and Gourmet Zone (15-18 August) by purchasing of an admission ticket.] |
Customer Service Hotline (852) 1830 668 |
Manager, Marketing Communications Exhibitions Department |
© 2019 Hong Kong Trade Development Council. All rights reserved. 38/F, Office Tower, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Customer Service Line:(852) 1830 668 |
© 2019 香港貿發局版權所有, 對違反版權者保留一切追索權利。 香港灣仔港灣道1號會展廣場辦公大樓38樓 客戶服務專線:(852) 1830 668 |
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